Well. That’s that. I’m halfway through with my second year of college. It’s so weird to think that next year I’ll begin visiting graduate schools and a year after that I’ll be applying. It’s funny how fast time seems to pass in a place like this.
It’s been a wonderful semester. It was my test-period before I declared my double major and minor to see if I really loved them as much as I thought I did, but today I picked up my sheet from the registrar’s office and happily filled in Psychology as my second major and History as my minor. Everything feels very official, now, and I couldn’t be happier.
It’s been a semester of accomplishment. I believe I may have managed to pull all As and A-s; I won my first grant; I have organized meetings and planned events for TERRA; My sorority elected me as their Scholarship Chairperson—I feel fortunate that the community at Transy has helped me balance all of these things in order to put another semester to be proud of under my belt.
It’s weird leaving this place, my home, but I know that after three weeks, it’ll be right here waiting! I can’t wait to share another semester with you! I’ll keep you posted about break, and I’ll see you next semester, where you’re sure to hear plenty about my new classes (which I’m so SO stoked for!): Latin American Civilization II, Motivation and Emotion, History of Psychology, and Literary Interpretation! It’s sure to be an interesting semester (if a little stressful). Happy holidays, and I’ll see ya around!