For starters, I decided I couldn’t get enough of school, so at the beginning of summer I decided to take a summer class here at Transy with one of my favorite professors. Summer session is a lot different than normal semesters, but if you really love to learn and benefit from lots of interaction, then summer is a perfect time to take classes. I mean, I had three people in my Industrial/Organizational Psychology class, and it was *wonderful*. Even though the class pretty much solidified my notion that my mind was not made for the corporate world (even though I did pretty well in the class), the small setting made me learn the material in such a way that it’ll probably stick around a while anyways. Overall, it was extremely enjoyable and left plenty of summer to relax, read (The Idiot by Dostoevsky was *spectacular!*), get back in shape (I’m training for my first 5k!) and catch up with old friends (and make some new ones!)
I have had several exciting things happen this summer, and if you think you can handle a little raving, I’ll tell you all about it! First, I am writing this blog from my new apartment! I moved in on Wednesday, so I will be writing this year from the perspective of an off-campus resident (even though my apartment is closer to campus than one of the dorm buildings here on campus; I mean, I’m pretty much still on campus). This year is just going to be particularly hard for me, as it is for lots of juniors especially, and I felt like having my own private space that’s slightly (only very slightly, like I said) removed from the Transy social scene, would benefit me academically in the end. Of course, Transy has some great private rooms as well, if you find yourself in my same situation at some point, but I felt okay with getting this apartment because it was still so close.
Also, last week, I landed the most amazing job for the school year. I’m going to be working for The Reading Room, a speech and language pathology office here in Lexington. They are training me in a special reading and spelling system to essentially reprogram the brains of children with dyslexia. So basically, I’m getting to put my two areas of interest to use—I get to promote literacy, and use what I have learned in my psychology classes to motivate my students to want to learn. I am going to be paid to do something I am passionate about and, in all honesty, would have probably done for free. SO EXCITED!
Lastly, I’m gonna take it back a bit. On July 25th, I jumped in a car with one of my oldest friends and started off for Atlanta to have the best night I’ve had in a long time—I got to see my favorite band, dredg, in concert after I had tried for 6 years to see them. They’re a small (pretty unknown, so I completely understand if your eyes kinda glaze over here =P) band from Los Gatos, California, so they don’t tour that often. Each time they had in the past 6 years, though, I had some other commitment that kept me from attending. That’s why this time, I promised myself that if they came within 6 hours of Kentucky, I’d be there. Well, they decided to come to Atlanta (exactly 6 hours, coincidentally), and I would not have missed it for the world. Here are some pictures of the concert and a couple of others from the summer so far!
I can’t wait for the new school year to start! I’m super excited about my classes and can’t wait to start updating you (whoever you are) once more!

I baked a lot this summer! This is a cake I made for a friend who loves Nikola Tesla (look him's delightfully nerdy).