Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Why General Education requirements TOTALLY ROCK
You know that scene in Napoleon Dynamite where Napoleon draws a portrait of his lady—yeah that’s about the extent of my artistic abilities, so when my advisor suggested I take Drawing for my Fine Arts GE, I got really embarrassed and suggested a compromise—music. Now, I sang for nearly all my childhood in various choirs and played trumpet for a couple of years, but it had been a solid 6 years since I had any formal musical training. While I wasn’t completely new to the subject, I came in pretty blind, not knowing what to expect.
My Professor has exposed us to so many various kinds of music and has taught us how to hear all the layers and complexities in music in ways that we musically inexperienced people can understand. One day, when listening to J.S. Bach’s “Ach Golgotha,” we had to get up and take steps to the rhythm of certain layers to create a “dance.” When we did our dance in circles, it created an image kind of like gears, which ended up being vital in understanding the piece of music. The fact that our Professor had come up with a way to illustrate this aspect of the music both visually and interactively TOTALLY ROCKS, and I’m so glad that Transy requires me to take classes outside my comfort zone to get a well-rounded education.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Transy Does Trayless Thursdays!
One of the columns I put together for The Rambler, our student newspaper, is called “Transy Says.” I basically just go out and ask random Transy students to give their brief opinions about certain topics and publish those on my Opinion page. I write another column too, but I’m not allowed to tell you which one. Maybe you can figure it out if you visit campus and take a look at the paper ;)
Anyways. This week’s “Transy Says” focused on a new thing Transy is doing to promote sustainability on campus (WOOHOO!)—Trayless Thursdays! As I was interviewing people, I realized how cool this would be to blog about, since I am so proud of this step that we have taken. Basically, a number of schools across the nation have eliminated trays from their dining halls to find that doing so reduced food, energy AND water waste by a significant amount. When you think about it, it makes sense—sure trays are convenient, but they encourage people to take more than they will eat and they create extra dishes to wash.
In light of these findings, Transy has decided to go trayless one day a week. I know that some people might be thinking, “Man, that must be an inconvenience.” Trust me, it’s not! Transy is so small that you will not have to worry about having to stand in monstrous lines if you have to make a second trip for something that wouldn’t fit on your plate. And you get a little bit of exercise too! Okay, that may be pushing it, but seriously; this is a step in the right direction. It’s a sign that Transy is really answering the call to become more sustainable in a world where environmental crisis doesn’t seem all that distant. While I would love to see Transy eventually go completely trayless, Trayless Thursdays still make me proud that I attend a college that tries to do its best to reduce its environmental impact!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
So, I had a bad day today. One of those days that you just don’t know what’s wrong, or rather, you know that’s a complete lie, but you try really really hard to convince yourself it doesn’t bother you. Anyone that knows me can tell you that this is rare for me. I’m pretty upbeat all the time—obnoxiously so if you happen to ask a certain few. Even still, these days happen to everyone. I came home to my apartment after work, hours of studying ahead, and a stressful week looming with papers and tests and lots of reading, not knowing what to do to shake this “blah.”
So I took a walk. I walked down Broadway a little ways, past the loud construction (it’ll be over soon!), past the cars filled with people frustrated with traffic and just wanting to get home. Home. That’s what I was missing. Someone who can tell when I’m wearing myself thin. Someone to tell me, “Amanda. Take a nap. Take an hour to do nothing school related and chill OUT.” Don’t get me wrong. Living by myself has been good; it has already improved my focus, and yet, there I was walking, searching for some solace. I turned by the
“Overwhelmed. I’m always running. I don’t know how to stop sometimes.”
“I know exactly how you feel.”
“It’s hard when you care so much.”
“Exactly! Good luck with everything.”
“You too.”
It was as simple as that, but as I walked back to my apartment, I thought, “My God! I am home.” I know I’ve said it before in passing, “Transy is my home.” And I know it’s an abstraction—even more so now that I’m about to be leaving in another couple of years. I just can’t help but to feel like I’ve found something more than a college here. I’ve found a community where all members are bound by passion, by involvement, but more importantly by an ability to recognize this connection they have with every other member, and maybe just maybe by the ability to unknowingly reverse a stranger’s bad day by being completely honest and letting her know she is never alone here. Ever.
Anyways, the band, Barrage, which was composed of mostly sting players (violins, guitar, bass), melded music, dance, and audience participation to create one of the most memorable performances I’ve ever seen! I was so thankful that I was able to attend! About halfway through, I even had to stop taking notes for class because I got so lost in their performance (and their colorful costumes, and maybe a bit in the really cute violin player). At intermission, they even brought up middle school, high school, and college string students to perform with them! They promoted musical education, while putting on an unbelievable show, and because of that, they gained many fans here in Lexington, Kentucky.
Next Friday another fun band is headed Transy’s way—Tiempo Libre! I’m not sure yet if I’ll be able to go to that one, but I’ll keep you posted! There’s certainly no shortage of exposure to incredible artists here—from theatre to instrumental and vocal performance to the visual arts, Transy keeps you well rounded by offering you tons of chances to improve your knowledge and enjoyment of the arts! Until next time, check out one of Barrage’s songs!