Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A great week!

Hi, friends! SO much has happened in the past week or so! I’ll try to keep the run-down as short as possible, but it’s all exciting stuff!

First and foremost—I AM DONE WITH THE GRE. For those of you who have no clue what the GRE is, good—you shouldn’t have to worry about it yet. However, when you too get to be a senior in college, you may find yourself to be crazy enough to want to enter graduate school. The GRE stands for the Graduate Record Examination, the standardized test required for entry into most graduate programs. Imagine the SAT on steroids. It’s about a 3 ½ hour test consisting of two writing sections, a verbal section and a quantitative section. I studied for this test all summer, and on my first try, I think I got a score good enough to get me in to the schools I want (at least, I hope!)
Aside from that, though, the World Equestrian Games have come to Kentucky, and with it, downtown Lexington has been hopping! The beauty of being at Transy at such a time is—we are literally a 5 minute walk from it all! On Saturday, some of my friends and I headed out to one of my favorite local restaurants, Natasha’s Café, to enjoy some dinner. After dinner (a pesto pizza with no meat, but extra mushrooms!) we walked around and looked at some of the art being showcased around town during the games. Later that night, a band called Here Come the Mummies played in a park downtown. While they were mildly inappropriate, I found them humorous, fun and incredibly talented. I can’t wait for more events next weekend!
Friends and I (I'm in the brown) at Natasha's Cafe!

This is a terrible picture, but you can kind of see that the band were dressed as mummies!

While the weekend was a blast, the fun has continued into this week as well. In fact, I just got back from an incredible poetry reading at one of my favorite places in the city--The Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning, which is right across the street from campus! The reading was completely free (including free food!) and I got to hear some of Kentucky’s most notable poets read their work and even meet with them afterward! Transy’s location really offers endless opportunities to entertain yourself—it’s pretty hard to become bored around here if you get to know what’s within walking distance!

Bianca Spriggs reads her work

Transy Professor Dr. Paden reads his poetry!

This week is off to a great start!

1 comment:

Lee said...

Nice blog! I like your photos. I'm doing practice GRE here: masteryourgre.com . I hope it's useful for GRE test takers.