Sunday, December 5, 2010

A photo recap of recent fun things!

A quick photo update on fun things that have happened recently:

I made it to my concert in Cleveland, Ohio a couple of weekends ago! It was absolutely incredible, and it was just what I needed to do for myself to keep myself motivated for the end of the semester. I got to be in the front row! The lead singer of the first band tossed me his water bottle after the show, because I knew all the words to all their songs (they are one of my favorite bands, and they broke up 5 years ago, so not many people in the crowd knew them). The drummer from my favorite band threw me his broken drumstick, and the lead guitarist from the main act gave me his guitar pick! It was so worth the 5.5 hour drive!

Anthony Green- Lead vocalist for Circa Survive!

THE MAN aka Colin Frangicetto- Lead Guitarist for Circa Survive. I was RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM!

My loot!

Phi Mu had a Masquerade Ball on Friday night. All the other sororities also had their winter formals this weekend. It was a lot of fun to hang around and dance with friends, and I had so much fun making my mask!

The members of the new Sigma Tau Delta chapter on campus (that’s the international English honorary, by the way), met for brunch this morning to chat and discuss our upcoming charity event! Doodles is an amazing local breakfast and lunch restaurant, and it is quickly becoming a Transy tradition. Every time I go there I see at least 3 or 4 other Transy groups there.

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