Hi, folks!
Another winter break has come and gone and classes will begin again on Monday. I’m so excited I can hardly stand it! This semester I’ll be in for a double dose of each of my majors with Social Psychology, Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences, Edith Wharton and the 19th Century British Novel. I could stack my books to the ceiling, but it’s going to be so worth it!
Honestly, break was bitter sweet. I had a lot of bad things happen all at once, none of which I had any control over. I spent a lot of break in tears, but some time with books, friends and family eased the pain. This is part of the reason that I can’t wait for school. School is one place I am completely comfortable. It’s something I can pour myself into. I can disappear into my books for a little while, or into a club or committee, and honestly all that other bad stuff goes away, if only for a few hours. I know I’ll be complaining here in a few posts about all the late nights and tests and papers and projects (oh my!), but at the end of the day, it makes me happy, and I think when you take a walk around Transy’s campus, you’ll see that the majority of students feel the exact same.
The books I read this break: Ender's Game, The Theory of Light and Matter, and The Diary of a Nobody
I cleaned up this Christmas. My biggest surprise was having my Dad pay for my upcoming May Term trip to South America. He had agreed to pay for half the trip if I’d cover the other half, but when I opened an envelope that contained a deposit slip for what I assumed was just his half, he had put the full amount in my bank account. I was extremely grateful, as that’s one less concern off my mind for this semester. I also felt extremely silly and officially grown up when I got a new vacuum cleaner and the spice rack and apron I’ve wanted for my apartment. My inner feminist may have cried a little, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love to cook and keep my apartment clean. I vaguely recall jumping up and down when I opened the vacuum. It was only slightly embarrassing. I also FINALLY got a new digital camera (the flash on my old one bit the dust), so I can stop stealing my blog pictures off the internet or reusing old ones! All in all, a good Christmas!
Some of my gifts! Apron, spice rack, make-up mirror, my favorite bubble bath and lotion, beautiful leather gloves and scarf, camera and vacuum cleaner!New Years was fun as well! I went to Louisville to bring in 2010 with some old friends I hadn’t seen all semester, and it made my break. Now it’s back to work and back to class! Can’t wait to keep you updated this semester!
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