Sunday, October 31, 2010

A lot of know what we want to major in even before we come into college. A lot of us, however, do not. On Tuesday, I worked the Psychology table at Transy’s annual Major/Minor fair, just one of the many ways Transy tries to give you as many opportunities as possible to explore your options!

I had so much fun, I thought I’d tell you about it! Generally, some seniors and juniors from each major get together to work the tables. There is food, candy, science experiments, music, mini theatrical performances, cool artifacts, and even people in costume!
At the Psychology table, we had an actual operant chamber (aka “Skinner Box”) at the table, optical illusion cards, a mirror maze, and some other awesome gadgets we frequently use or study in the department! First years and undecided sophomores could not only get information about the major, but interact with current majors and participate in hands on activities that we sometimes do in class. They can also talk to recent alumni to see what kinds of opportunities exist for each major after graduation.

Me, proud of my psychology table

Psychology wasn’t the only table to have neat stuff like this, though. Nearly every program had something unique at their table! Religion had pictures and stories from people who had studied abroad in Israel, Anthropology had artifacts, Latin American Studies even made cupcakes!
I remember when I attended this even my first year. I thought for sure that I had decided on a Biochemistry major, but at this event I remember talking to some passionate English students, and it eventually contributed to my decision to switch.

Bottom line is—if you think you might have varying interests at all (which, if you’re at or considering a school like Transy, you should), attend as many of these events as possible. Talk to as many students in different departments as you can about their experiences! Even if you don’t change your mind about what to study like I did, you can at least meet some pretty cool folks and learn a thing or two about something you might not have known anything about previously.

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